Rockets team with Dragoons and food bank for Remembrance Day
r For Immediate Release:
r November 9, 2009
r Rockets and BC Dragoons celebrate Remembrance Day
r The Kelowna Rockets have teamed up with the Canadian Forces to help defeat hunger and celebrate Remembrance Day on Wednesday.
r The Rockets will honour war veterans with a special Remembrance Day matinee game against the Red Deer Rebels on Wednesday. Face-off is at 2 p.m. on Wednesday.
r The Rockets will be wearing special game jerseys in honour of Remembrance Day. The jerseys will be auctioned off during the game with proceeds going to the Royal Canadian Legion.
r The public is being asked to bring non-perishable food items for the Kelowna Food Bank as the BC Dragoons reserve unit will be collecting non perishable items from noon until 2 p.m. at Prospera Place.
r Members of the Dragoons will also march out with the Canadian flag during the singing of Canada’s national anthem.
r “We’re excited to have the Dragoons and the Canadian Forces out to help us honour war veterans on this special day,” said Gavin Hamilton, Kelowna Rockets vice president of business development. “This is a chance for us and our fans to remember the people that served for our country. Helping out the food bank with the holiday season approaching is very important as well.”
r Last year the Kelowna Community Food Bank met the needs of 30,000 people, nearly 40 per cent of them children. Food bank clients include working families, single parents with children, students, and seniors. Many seniors are war veterans, fellow citizens who sacrificed for our freedom and prosperity.
r “We respond whenever there is a need in our community,” says Sergeant Patrick H. Peterson of the Dargoons. “We will be alongside food bank volunteers filling their truck, lifting spirits, and supporting their important work.”
r Please note the game time on Wednesday of 2 p.m.