The player who qualifies for grants, according to the criteria presented in section 4.1 of the present Education Policy, may receive grants, as outlined by the following applicable circumstances: the player is allowed one (1) grant for each session he played in the QMJHL if he meets the criteria listed in article 4.1.1. The maximum amount of grants is limited to ten (10):
College Degree | a grant in the amount of $150 for each succeeded course up to a maximum of $1050 per session; | |
Technical College Degree | for each session, a grant in the amount of $150 for each succeeded course up to a maximum of $1200 per session and an additional $500 for the cost of equipment upon presentation of valid receipts. | |
University Studies | for each session a grant of $600 per succeeded course, with a maximum of $6000 per year and a maximum of 5 years. A university course is a 3-credit course; a course of more or less than 3 credits increases or decreases proportionately the amount of $600; | |
Vocational Studies | for each session, a grant equivalent to half of the annual school fees plus $800, for a maximum of $2500 per session. The maximum number of grants is limited to six (6);. |
For the purposes of applying the present policy, a session is a period of time which lasts for approximately four (4) months.