Any player who has played in the QMJHL is eligible for the grant program if he meets the following conditions:
To have significantly pursued his studies
The player must have played in the QMJHL during at least one (1) academic session and have completed successfully the required number of courses he registered for.
- At the secondary or high school level, the player must have completed successfully the courses outlined in the normal curriculum attributed to regular students if he attends classes;
- At the secondary or high school level, the player must have completed successfully a minimum of two (2) courses if he is taking distance education courses;
- At CEGEP level, he must have completed successfully half of his courses, which corresponds to at least two (2) courses per session;
- At Cégep à distance, he must have succeeded at least one (1) course per session;
- For a High School or CEGEP diploma holder, he must have succeeded in at least one (1) university course.
For the purposes of reaching previous school objectives, summer courses taken at the major junior level in the QMJHL are evaluated as courses are taken to complete otherwise incomplete sessions.
To be available to play in the QMJHL until his 20th year
Exceptions to this rule could apply and each case should be assessed by the Commissioner. Among other things the player will remain eligible to the grant program if he agrees to go to his team’s training camp and is not offered a contract, by that team or another team; it is not applicable to a twenty-year-old (20) player who, after having signed a contract, is released from his team during the Holidays, and has not received a contract offer from another team.
Delay to start his studies
The player must have started his courses no later the fall session of the third year following the last game he played in the QMJHL, and must be studying without any interruption.
To be accepted as a student in a recognized educational institution
The player must further his education in a recognized educational institution such as a university, a post-secondary professional or technical school, or a CEGEP.
Player playing in a professional minor hockey league
The player playing in a professional minor hockey league remains eligible to the grant program.